Winclub88 is dedicated to create a responsible online casino gaming environment for all of our players. We care about the wellness of the players and it is our mission to generate a fun and exciting casino gaming platform experience with the responsibility of preventing excessive addiction and underage access to our platform.
As the top online casino gaming site in Malaysia, the company are to promote online casino gaming with responsible environment and provide the expertise in assistance to the community. We have implemented and enforced the following policies to ensure a long-lasting gaming experience
We only provide the gaming services to players over 18 years of age. In order to reduce the possibility of underage gambling, we strongly discourage any persons under the age of 18 in attempt to participate in the gaming activity. It is an offence for minors to participate in any of the games.
Although we actively prevent children from accessing the website, we acknowledge the fact that computer with internet availability is easily accessible all around the world. It is best if this prevention works can be a shared responsibility between the minor’s guardians and gaming company.
To ensure the safety of your children, we recommend internet filtering solution that can be used to reduce the chance of minors accessing certain website in your home:
Our platform enable the players to have a great time while they are at their A-game, whilst most people do gamble at their own accord, a small minority group of player might allow gambling to take over their senses that entails risk. A player should actually establish his own predetermined limits. It is essential for player to stick to their own financial and personal limits to make sure gambling for one is a harmless and enjoyable entertainment, please do follow the below guidelines if you have trouble staying in control:
By going through the self-assessment test below, it will help to evaluate whether you have an existing problem concerning your gambling behaviour:
The more positive answer you have to the questions above, the more likely you have already developed a serious gambling problem. We would recommend you to go for a professional consultation session or talk to someone close. Please do contact our Customer Support Specialist services and request for self-exclusion if required.
Winclub88 will suspend any customer's account upon request. During this period of time, you will not be able participate in the gaming activity or be allowed to revoke the suspension.
Alternatively, please contact our Customer Service Specialist and they provide you guidance on how you can proceed with any further action.
Please bear in mind the following:
We urge you to ensure your gaming accounts are suspended by us and also consider withdrawing yourself from any other online gaming platform when you have noticed a problem in your gambling attitude.